Ladda Ner Hard Rules By Lisa Renee Jones Pdf Ebook

Ladda Ner Hard Rules By Lisa Renee Jones Pdf Ebook

Genre : Spänning ,Böcker ,Romantik

Wall Street meets the Sons of Anarchy in Hard Rules, the smoldering, scorching first novel in the explosively sexy new Dirty Money series from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones.

How bad do you want it?

The only man within the Brandon empire with a moral compass, Shane Brandon is ready to take his family’s business dealings legitimate. His reckless and ruthless brother, Derek wants to keep Brandon Enterprises cemented in lies, deceit, and corruption. But the harder Shane fights to pull the company back into the light, the darker he has to become. Then he meets Emily Stevens, a woman who not only stirs a voracious sexual need in him, but becomes the only thing anchoring him between good and evil.

Emily is consumed by Shane, pushed sexually in ways she never dreamed of, falling deeper into the all-encompassing passion that is this man. She trusts him. He trusts her, but therein lies the danger. Emily has a secret, the very thing that brought her to him in the first place, and that secret could destroy them both.

This is book ONE of FOUR in Shane and Emily's story.

Excerpt from Hard Rules (Dirty Money book #1)

His hand curls around mine and he drags it to his knee, and the way he’s looking at me, like the rest of the room, no, the rest of the world, doesn’t exist, steals my breath. I haven’t allowed anyone to really look at me in a very long time.
“Emily,” he says, doing whatever he does to turn my name into a sin that seduces rather than destroys me.
“Shane,” I manage, but just barely.
“Did you say yes to dinner because you didn’t want to be alone?”
I am not sure where he is going with this, if it’s about reading me or if he needs validation that I am here for him, so I give him both. “I like being alone,” I say, and on some level, it really is true. “I said yes to dinner because you are the one who asked.” My lips curve. “Actually you barely asked. You mostly ordered.”
“I couldn’t let you say no.”
“I’m actually really glad you didn’t.”
“And yet you say you like being alone?”
“It’s simple and without complication.”
“Spoken like someone who’s lived the opposite side of the coin.”
“Haven’t we all?”
“Who burned you, Emily?”
I blanch but recover with a quick, “Who says anyone burned me?”
“I see it in your eyes.”
“Back to my eyes,” I say.
“Yes. Back to your eyes.”
“Stop looking.”
“I can’t.”
Those two words sizzle, matching the heat in his eyes, and my throat goes dry. “Then stop asking so many questions.”
He reaches up, brushing hair behind my ear, his fingers grazing my cheek, and suddenly he is closer, his breath a tease on my cheek, his fingers settling on my jaw. “What if I want to know more about you?”
“What if I don’t want to talk?”
“Are you suggesting I shut up and kiss you?”
Yes, I think. Please. But instead I say, “I don’t know. I haven’t interviewed you as you have me. I know nothing about you. I want to know if you—”
He leans in, and then his lips are on mine, a caress, a tease, that is there and gone, and yet I am rocked to the core, a wave of warmth sliding down my neck and over my breasts. He lingers, his breath fanning my lips, promising another touch I both need and want, as he asks, “You want to know if I what?”
Everything. “Nothing.”




Not enough book for the money


Shane and Emily promise to be the next great series from Ms Jones!

This novel is fantastic... I can't wait to read the next book in the Dirty Money series. Much like the Careless Whispers series, I was sucked in completely.



Oh. My. Goodness. Hard Rules is such a fabulous book that I am not even sure where to start. Shane Brandon is a sexy, rich, smart man who is fighting to be good when he is surrounded by his corrupt family. Emily has her own demons and secrets to battle and keep hidden from Shane, for his own protection. Shane is sexy, protective, and full of motivation, which makes him even more attractive. Emily is sweet, protective, and has a take-no-BS type attitude that is so similar to my own, I can't help but love her character. Jessica has to be my favorite though. She is strong, independent, protective, and a loyal tell-it-like-it-is type of girl. I am still not sure how Shane grew up to be a good man with parents like his and I have a feeling I will wonder the same about Emily, once we find out more about her past and who she really is. All of you 50 Shades of Grey fans can keep your Christian Grey, I'll gladly take Shane Brandon for myself. The only thing I didn't like about Hard Rules is there won't be more until book 2 is released in Feb. 2017! How will I survive?

Mom's Guilty Pleasure

Hard Rules

I've yet to be disappointed by a book LRJ has written. This book has by far been my favorite and I don't know how I'll wait for the rest of the series to be released. Hard Rules has everything...suspense, betrayal, trust, love, friendship, suspicion.... Shane moves back home to take over the company business that his brother Derek is determined to also take over, but with only dollars in his eyes. Derek will do anything illegal or not to make sure the company is successful. Shane wants the empire to be built up and successful, but he wants the family legacy to be with honor. Their father pits the sons against one another. Their fathers health is failing. Their mother Maggie can't be trusted and will turn a blind eye to everything as long as she continues in the lifestyle she is use to. Emily has secrets and is running from something that keeps her looking over her shoulder. So when she meets Shane she wasn't looking for a connection...yet they are both drawn to one another. They know they are putting each other in danger, but can't seem to stay away from one another. They both demand honesty. Yet, they both start doubting each other's integrity and start to question each other's motives. This book leaves quite a cliff hanger that I can't wait to see where it goes!

Tessa 1927

Hard Rules

Good read looking forward to the next part of this series, as much as enjoyed the relationship between Emily and Shane I can't help but wonder about Derek ....


Book 1

Bravo, Lisa Renee Jones have written a suspense thriller with Secret, family betrayal but Love is stronger.


I need more!!

OMG! What an ending!! Are you kidding me- I have to wait until February to find out what happens?! I can't wait!! It's that good! There's so many lies, deceit & secrets going around mixed in with a bit of Romance & sexiness! Ah, the suspense! This book had me intrigued from the beginning to the end! If you read the teaser, that's enough to give you the basis of the book. I'm not gonna give anything away, you need to check it out for yourself! I don't think you'll be disappointed! Great start to Dirty Money series!! Ready for Part 2 now!! I received a copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Great new series!

This first book in a new series by Lisa Renee Jones is awesome! It is full of intrigue and is hot as can be. Shane and Emily are positively combustible when together. Not only are they good together in that way, they are good together in most all ways. The only problem is Emily's secrets and what she is running from. Shane has a problem trusting anyone remotely connected to his family or the family business. Will Emily's secrets keep them apart? This book does in a cliffie so if you aren't a cliffhanger fan, hang on for more of the series. Otherwise, grab this one as soon as you can. I am now in a major book hangover waiting for the next one!



I absolutely love this book! The characters and story line is amazing and draws you in to where you lose all sense of time and your surroundings. Can not wait for the next installment of this series! Once again Lisa has got me hooked! ❤️


Review: Dirty Money 1: Hard Rules

Hard Rules by Lisa Renee Jones is the first book in her brand new series Dirty Money. In true Lisa Renee Jones fashion, the suspense is high, the steamy factor is scorchingly off the charts, and the story just flows from page to brain to paint the pictures for you as only a great book can do. Emily is hiding all her darkest secrets and when she meets Shane, by chance, she feels a strange connection to him. When she has vowed to keep everyone out, she wants nothing more than to let him in. Shane is doing everything within his power to take his family's business and legitimize it. His dying father and warped and sinister brother are doing all they can to prevent him. So when he encounters Emily in his building she immediately enthralls him, being a bright spot in an otherwise terrible day. Ending on a cliffhanger, as only LRJ can manage I am chomping at the bit for the next book in this series, Damage Control expected February 2017.


Great new series!

Shane is battling his father and brother for control over the family empire. He's determined to clean house and run Branden Enterprises as a completely legitimate enterprise. He's smart, sexy, in control, and doesn't trust easily. He's at war with his own family and has few people he can trust. Emily is newer to Denver and desperate to find a job. She's smart, determined, private, and clearly hiding out from something or someone. Both need an escape from the stresses and demands of keeping one step ahead and they find that in each other. They have great chemistry from their first meeting. Neither want anything complicated, but they are drawn together and find someone who seemingly has the ability to see right through them. With everything at stake, Emily could easily become the one weakness that Shane can't afford to have. Hard Rules is thrilling, suspenseful, and deliciously sexy. Lisa Renee Jones draws you into this world where everyone seems to have an agenda and there are plenty of unexpected developments along the way. Hard Rules is a great start to the beginning of a new series. *Advanced copy provided by NetGalley.


Best book of the summer.

Lisa Renee Jones does it again. Best book I have read since the Inside Out Series. Lisa has a way of writing that draws you in. I love her books!!

tsmb02(Sue G.)

OMG! I am in love with Shane Brandon!

OMG! I am in love with Shane Brandon! This hero is so yummy and perfect you can't help but root for him. Shane was a big shot lawyer working in New York City, and far away from the shady family business and he gets called back home to Denver to help his father and brother, Derek, out of sticky mess. Shane makes the decision to stay in Denver and fight for control of the family business, Brandon Enterprises, along with removing all of the illegal activities that his family has gotten involved in. Shane's dad may be slowly dying from cancer but he is still an S.O.B. Dear old dad is pitting son vs. son to see who will win in taking over the family business. The entire Brandon family is really messed up! While in a little coffee shop across the street from BE, Shane has an unique encounter with a mysterious woman named Emily. Shane cannot seem to get Emily off of his mind and he unexpectedly runs into her again and this begins the dance! I loved the way these two lives were suddenly weaved together. They both are good at keeping secrets from each but at the same time they are slowly starting to trust each other and those secrets are starting to become known. Shane and Emily are both very strong, determined characters and I loved that! And their sexual chemistry together was HOT! I can't wait to see where this story is going and what is the big secret Emily is keeping!

Rosa ( iScream Books Blog)

"There isn't a cure for corruption."

Well, I confess that seeings Sons of Anarchy in the blurb got me excited, since that's one of my favorite shows and I'm a lover of MC Romance. But let me answer the question for you, it has nothing to do with bikers. It's more about the internal workings of a legacy and the hidden agendas of the players. There are secrets and surprises, ending in a big cliffy that will have you gasping, but not regretting the journey that brought you there. It was too good to give up, too exciting to miss, and too sexy not to savor. Shane is sex in a suit, he is "Silk and seduction, a magnificent man who no doubt has so many women lining up that I'm a mere flicker on the screen." Emily wasn't the only one drooling and melting into a puddle every time he showed up. I was having a virtual case of lust too! Emily is a mystery. She has a dark past that she keeps hidden throughout the entire book. Leaving little clues, just enough to keep me following the trail of crumbs, hoping for answers. All I know is that's it's something big and if discovered by the wrong people her whole house of cards will fall. But what the hell is it? I want to know NOW! Shane is the youngest of the Brandon sons. He has a very strained relationship with his brother, Derek. While they battle for the control of the Brandon Enterprises empire, Shane finds it hard to let go of his memories of the childhood relationship he had with the brother that he once respected. He's determined to turn things around and make their business something to be proud of rather than ashamed of. But time is running out and trouble has come calling... again. Will he be able to get them out of it this time, or will his house of cards fall too? Get ready for a nail-biting, panty-melting, head-scratching, eyebrow-raising roller coaster ride that will have you anxious for more as soon as it's over. The line forms here...


Secrets, Sizzling Attraction & Intrigue! Fantastic!

Wow! Loved this story! This is a smoldering, passionate, romance story that is filled with intrigue, that captivated me immediately and held me on the edge of my seat till the end. I could not stop reading this. The writing is excellent, as well as the plot with likable characters that are well developed. Lisa Renee Jones does a fantastic job at introducing all the players in this first book of her series. A story about a powerful family that is in turmoil and conflict with their father close to death, and brothers who are fighting for the control of the family's' empire. One is light the other is dark and the secondary characters are not who they seem to be, and can not be trusted. Shane Brandon is a high power attorney who has returned home to try to bring his family's empire back from corruption and illegal dealings. While his father is fragile and struggling to live, his older brother Derek pushes his agenda while aligning himself with a powerful cartel to take over the business, but Shane must come up with a plan to thwart all this, without becoming like his brother who he despises. But when he is not expecting it, a distraction of epic proportion enters his world and he meets a beautiful brunette. Emily Stevens is trying to stay under the radar, hiding from unknown forces and the last thing she needs is to have a gorgeous man making her lose site of those goals. But when they meet they have an immediate sizzling attraction, between them and although she flees, their path crosses again and this time the thought of being alone for another night is to much and she accepts his invitation to dinner and drinks. But as their connection grows they both see that they need the other to help survive in their world. But Emily has many secrets that nobody not even the reader knows and what will these secrets have on their connection? Their chemistry and steamy, sex scenes are intense and and passionate. And Emily is not the only one totally falling for Shane. He will definitely get your heart pounding with this control and passion. There is hunger, lust, demanding, wild, frenzied passion between them that is growing but there is also the control, trust and safety together. But will Emily be able to help keep Shane on the right side of the law with all that needs to be taken care of in his Family's' empire? Or will Shane's actions turn him into the father and brother he despises. You will need to read to find out. A fantastic first book. Loved it! Highly Recommended! Received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Amazing start to a new series

Wow, it took me a few days to recover from this one. The hangover was immense but well worth it. Hard Rules is set in the corporate world and surrounds the Brandon family and their empire. An empire that Shane Brandon is trying to make right. The obstacles he encounters along that path are shocking but not unrealistic. Enter Emily who has secrets of her own and who quickly becomes the one person in Shane's life he feels like he can truly believe...or can he? OMG the ending. First let me say that I am not one of those cliffhanger badgering zealots. I actually like cliffhangers, they create such intrigue and a truly great one will stay on my mind for weeks after reading it and have me tapping my foot away waiting for the story to continue. And I think one of the aspects of a truly great story is to invoke that kind of anticipation in someone. It was amazing, I'll probably read it again before the next book comes out. If you like smoking hot suspense you will love this book.


Sure to please fans of the Inside Out series, this is a great start to a new series that is unconnec

Starting with the short glimpse into a behind closed door dirty deal, one of the two sides of this story coin gives readers a chance to dip a toe into the dangers to come. From there, with no real sense of how much time has elapsed, we are thrust into the world and challenges of Emily and Shane, and the dance between attraction, trust, power and secrets. Shane is the ONLY person in his family with a moral compass, even if he battles with his own memories of the family he wants with the family he has. And OH what a complete spider web mess his family is: a father who is grasping, controlling and not above blackmail to achieve his goals; a mother who will manipulate situations and people around her to gain ‘insight’ and knowledge; a brother who is consumed with power, money and his ‘use one to get more’ attitude. I’m not a huge fan of the family he’s been saddled with, and can empathize with his own struggles with loyalty, trust and wanting their approval and love. Emily arrives as a bit of a question, her own identity is a new one, she has secrets that could destroy her and those around her. I’ve got my suspicions about just ‘who’ she really is: but her ability to empathize with Shane from an “I’ve been there” angle is intriguing. She’s multi-faceted with each facet opening to the light as she and Shane get closer physically. What intrigues me most about these two is their similarities that fuel their connection. And they are electric, with Emily able to provide Shane with something to chase even as he wants to push her off to save her from the ticking bomb that is his family. Told in alternating first person, I wanted a bit more from Emily. While this story carries much of the feel that I had in the Inside Out series, Emily is a different sort of girl altogether. She’s not innocent and untried like Sara, she understands the manipulations and machinations of family and she’s also hiding several secrets, many not as well as she thinks. Shane is so focused on making Brandon Enterprises a name to be reckoned with in all the best ways, something he’s got to rebuild after keeping his father out of jail after a federal investigation. I loved his passion and determination to grow the company and his role, while trying to manage and protect his family members- a full time job plus with that group. Fortunately he’s got dedicated and loyal people on his side – from his assistant Jennifer: who takes zero guff, speaks honestly and openly and always has his back to his own personal security/pi guru in Seth. Overall, there’s a sense of having seen the relationship trajectory between Emily and Shane before, and while that’s not a huge issue, I hoped for a bit more between them. This does end on a cliffhanger that may bring Emily to the forefront of suspicion and revelation in the next book, these characters, the Brandons and their twisted manipulating ways demand you read on. Sure to please fans of the Inside Out series, this is a great start to a new series that is unconnected to that world, and the perfect option for readers who want to try the work of Lisa Renee Jones. I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.


Completele Book Hangover Amazing!

Book hangover alert, trust me. This book will live you with a book hangover, and you'll love every second of it. I can honestly tell you I sat down to read this book and did not get up to eat, drink, or let the dogs out. I didn't want it to end, I was literally like no!! Do not end this book Jones, just keep going. Just keep writing. Emily and Shane, their story is unlike any you've ever read, its riveting. Full of turns and curves, hot s**y times and then your yelling at the story. Im at 90% in and I can already tell this story hasn't had enough time for its ending, and it leaves you totally gutted and praying that Feb comes and it comes super fast! This book took me days to get over, my emotions were all bundled up. I needed more like I needed air to breathe.

~Mindy Lou~

Keeps you guessing!

Emily is on the run and hiding. She bumps into the son of her soon to be boss, unaware that he is the son, and has a one night stand. Both want more but Emily can't risk it. What she wasn't expecting was to get in the middle of a family at war in their company that lead to the Cartel and possibly the FBI. Emily and Shane can't stay away from each other and all she wants now is to help Shane fight against his family to protect the company. She knows Shane is the good guy but staying with him could bring more trouble he doesn't need. Great start to the series! There is so much going on in this story. I love a story that keeps me guessing and Lisa Renee Jones is good at that. I don't think I'm anywhere close to putting the pieces of the puzzle together and I'm dying to know what Emily's secret is. It's going to be killer waiting for the next book. Loved it and highly recommend it! ***ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Jaysen's Mommy

Rule #1, No more lies

It's a cliffhanger and I have to wait patiently for the next book! This is quite the story with many turns that can get you supremely confused if you aren't paying attention. It's superbly written and engaging. Things are so extremely tense you can feel the pressure building like a volcano ready to erupt. Lies, deceit, family, all out war, romance, what could be better? Grab your copy today and meet the dangerously sexy, incredibly smart, highly successful, Shane Brandon along with the super secretive, equally smart knockout, Emily Stevens. He is sure to be your next book boyfriend. He is a straight shooter in a family of underhanded takers. He wants nothing more, except maybe Emily, than to rid the family business of it's corruption. You can help to like Emily. She is quiet, loyal, fierce, and a force to be reckoned with. She comes with a price though. She's super secretive as the secret is the price tag for her life. I'm ready to be able to delve into the next book to find out what's going to happen.

Imagination free

Another hit series!

Lisa has done it again! This has everything a book needs: suspense, intrigue, angst, blossoming love, and hotness. The chemistry between Shane and Emily is wow! The ending was crazy. Can't wait for the next book! I received this ARC for an honest review from the publisher and Netgalley.

Domination series

Sons of Anarchy meets Wall Street.Hard Rules (Dirty Money #1) is a must read.

I received Hard Rules (Dirty Money #1) as an ARC, from the publisher and NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Lisa Renee Jones has done it again. She has written another series full of suspense, mistrust, passion, and family drama. In this Sons of Anarchy (SOA) meets Wall Street novel, Shane Brandon fights for control of his ailing father's company. His competition is his older brother Derek. Emily, who has secrets of her own, takes a job as Shane's father's assistant. There is instant chemistry between Shane and Emily, but whose side is she on? What's her story? While Shane is trying to position himself to be his father's successor, Derek has plotted ways to destroy him. Can Shane trust Emily and those in his inner circle to gain control? Just a warning for those who don't like cliffhangers. This ends with a big one between Shane and Emily. Is his trust and need for her compromised who n he learns she may not be who she says she is?

Ladda Ner Hard Rules By Lisa Renee Jones Pdf Ebook

Genre : Spänning ,Böcker ,Romantik

Wall Street meets the Sons of Anarchy in Hard Rules, the smoldering, scorching first novel in the explosively sexy new Dirty Money series from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones.

How bad do you want it?

The only man within the Brandon empire with a moral compass, Shane Brandon is ready to take his family’s business dealings legitimate. His reckless and ruthless brother, Derek wants to keep Brandon Enterprises cemented in lies, deceit, and corruption. But the harder Shane fights to pull the company back into the light, the darker he has to become. Then he meets Emily Stevens, a woman who not only stirs a voracious sexual need in him, but becomes the only thing anchoring him between good and evil.

Emily is consumed by Shane, pushed sexually in ways she never dreamed of, falling deeper into the all-encompassing passion that is this man. She trusts him. He trusts her, but therein lies the danger. Emily has a secret, the very thing that brought her to him in the first place, and that secret could destroy them both.

This is book ONE of FOUR in Shane and Emily's story.

Excerpt from Hard Rules (Dirty Money book #1)

His hand curls around mine and he drags it to his knee, and the way he’s looking at me, like the rest of the room, no, the rest of the world, doesn’t exist, steals my breath. I haven’t allowed anyone to really look at me in a very long time.
“Emily,” he says, doing whatever he does to turn my name into a sin that seduces rather than destroys me.
“Shane,” I manage, but just barely.
“Did you say yes to dinner because you didn’t want to be alone?”
I am not sure where he is going with this, if it’s about reading me or if he needs validation that I am here for him, so I give him both. “I like being alone,” I say, and on some level, it really is true. “I said yes to dinner because you are the one who asked.” My lips curve. “Actually you barely asked. You mostly ordered.”
“I couldn’t let you say no.”
“I’m actually really glad you didn’t.”
“And yet you say you like being alone?”
“It’s simple and without complication.”
“Spoken like someone who’s lived the opposite side of the coin.”
“Haven’t we all?”
“Who burned you, Emily?”
I blanch but recover with a quick, “Who says anyone burned me?”
“I see it in your eyes.”
“Back to my eyes,” I say.
“Yes. Back to your eyes.”
“Stop looking.”
“I can’t.”
Those two words sizzle, matching the heat in his eyes, and my throat goes dry. “Then stop asking so many questions.”
He reaches up, brushing hair behind my ear, his fingers grazing my cheek, and suddenly he is closer, his breath a tease on my cheek, his fingers settling on my jaw. “What if I want to know more about you?”
“What if I don’t want to talk?”
“Are you suggesting I shut up and kiss you?”
Yes, I think. Please. But instead I say, “I don’t know. I haven’t interviewed you as you have me. I know nothing about you. I want to know if you—”
He leans in, and then his lips are on mine, a caress, a tease, that is there and gone, and yet I am rocked to the core, a wave of warmth sliding down my neck and over my breasts. He lingers, his breath fanning my lips, promising another touch I both need and want, as he asks, “You want to know if I what?”
Everything. “Nothing.”




Not enough book for the money


Shane and Emily promise to be the next great series from Ms Jones!

This novel is fantastic... I can't wait to read the next book in the Dirty Money series. Much like the Careless Whispers series, I was sucked in completely.



Oh. My. Goodness. Hard Rules is such a fabulous book that I am not even sure where to start. Shane Brandon is a sexy, rich, smart man who is fighting to be good when he is surrounded by his corrupt family. Emily has her own demons and secrets to battle and keep hidden from Shane, for his own protection. Shane is sexy, protective, and full of motivation, which makes him even more attractive. Emily is sweet, protective, and has a take-no-BS type attitude that is so similar to my own, I can't help but love her character. Jessica has to be my favorite though. She is strong, independent, protective, and a loyal tell-it-like-it-is type of girl. I am still not sure how Shane grew up to be a good man with parents like his and I have a feeling I will wonder the same about Emily, once we find out more about her past and who she really is. All of you 50 Shades of Grey fans can keep your Christian Grey, I'll gladly take Shane Brandon for myself. The only thing I didn't like about Hard Rules is there won't be more until book 2 is released in Feb. 2017! How will I survive?

Mom's Guilty Pleasure

Hard Rules

I've yet to be disappointed by a book LRJ has written. This book has by far been my favorite and I don't know how I'll wait for the rest of the series to be released. Hard Rules has everything...suspense, betrayal, trust, love, friendship, suspicion.... Shane moves back home to take over the company business that his brother Derek is determined to also take over, but with only dollars in his eyes. Derek will do anything illegal or not to make sure the company is successful. Shane wants the empire to be built up and successful, but he wants the family legacy to be with honor. Their father pits the sons against one another. Their fathers health is failing. Their mother Maggie can't be trusted and will turn a blind eye to everything as long as she continues in the lifestyle she is use to. Emily has secrets and is running from something that keeps her looking over her shoulder. So when she meets Shane she wasn't looking for a connection...yet they are both drawn to one another. They know they are putting each other in danger, but can't seem to stay away from one another. They both demand honesty. Yet, they both start doubting each other's integrity and start to question each other's motives. This book leaves quite a cliff hanger that I can't wait to see where it goes!

Tessa 1927

Hard Rules

Good read looking forward to the next part of this series, as much as enjoyed the relationship between Emily and Shane I can't help but wonder about Derek ....


Book 1

Bravo, Lisa Renee Jones have written a suspense thriller with Secret, family betrayal but Love is stronger.


I need more!!

OMG! What an ending!! Are you kidding me- I have to wait until February to find out what happens?! I can't wait!! It's that good! There's so many lies, deceit & secrets going around mixed in with a bit of Romance & sexiness! Ah, the suspense! This book had me intrigued from the beginning to the end! If you read the teaser, that's enough to give you the basis of the book. I'm not gonna give anything away, you need to check it out for yourself! I don't think you'll be disappointed! Great start to Dirty Money series!! Ready for Part 2 now!! I received a copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Great new series!

This first book in a new series by Lisa Renee Jones is awesome! It is full of intrigue and is hot as can be. Shane and Emily are positively combustible when together. Not only are they good together in that way, they are good together in most all ways. The only problem is Emily's secrets and what she is running from. Shane has a problem trusting anyone remotely connected to his family or the family business. Will Emily's secrets keep them apart? This book does in a cliffie so if you aren't a cliffhanger fan, hang on for more of the series. Otherwise, grab this one as soon as you can. I am now in a major book hangover waiting for the next one!



I absolutely love this book! The characters and story line is amazing and draws you in to where you lose all sense of time and your surroundings. Can not wait for the next installment of this series! Once again Lisa has got me hooked! ❤️


Review: Dirty Money 1: Hard Rules

Hard Rules by Lisa Renee Jones is the first book in her brand new series Dirty Money. In true Lisa Renee Jones fashion, the suspense is high, the steamy factor is scorchingly off the charts, and the story just flows from page to brain to paint the pictures for you as only a great book can do. Emily is hiding all her darkest secrets and when she meets Shane, by chance, she feels a strange connection to him. When she has vowed to keep everyone out, she wants nothing more than to let him in. Shane is doing everything within his power to take his family's business and legitimize it. His dying father and warped and sinister brother are doing all they can to prevent him. So when he encounters Emily in his building she immediately enthralls him, being a bright spot in an otherwise terrible day. Ending on a cliffhanger, as only LRJ can manage I am chomping at the bit for the next book in this series, Damage Control expected February 2017.


Great new series!

Shane is battling his father and brother for control over the family empire. He's determined to clean house and run Branden Enterprises as a completely legitimate enterprise. He's smart, sexy, in control, and doesn't trust easily. He's at war with his own family and has few people he can trust. Emily is newer to Denver and desperate to find a job. She's smart, determined, private, and clearly hiding out from something or someone. Both need an escape from the stresses and demands of keeping one step ahead and they find that in each other. They have great chemistry from their first meeting. Neither want anything complicated, but they are drawn together and find someone who seemingly has the ability to see right through them. With everything at stake, Emily could easily become the one weakness that Shane can't afford to have. Hard Rules is thrilling, suspenseful, and deliciously sexy. Lisa Renee Jones draws you into this world where everyone seems to have an agenda and there are plenty of unexpected developments along the way. Hard Rules is a great start to the beginning of a new series. *Advanced copy provided by NetGalley.


Best book of the summer.

Lisa Renee Jones does it again. Best book I have read since the Inside Out Series. Lisa has a way of writing that draws you in. I love her books!!

tsmb02(Sue G.)

OMG! I am in love with Shane Brandon!

OMG! I am in love with Shane Brandon! This hero is so yummy and perfect you can't help but root for him. Shane was a big shot lawyer working in New York City, and far away from the shady family business and he gets called back home to Denver to help his father and brother, Derek, out of sticky mess. Shane makes the decision to stay in Denver and fight for control of the family business, Brandon Enterprises, along with removing all of the illegal activities that his family has gotten involved in. Shane's dad may be slowly dying from cancer but he is still an S.O.B. Dear old dad is pitting son vs. son to see who will win in taking over the family business. The entire Brandon family is really messed up! While in a little coffee shop across the street from BE, Shane has an unique encounter with a mysterious woman named Emily. Shane cannot seem to get Emily off of his mind and he unexpectedly runs into her again and this begins the dance! I loved the way these two lives were suddenly weaved together. They both are good at keeping secrets from each but at the same time they are slowly starting to trust each other and those secrets are starting to become known. Shane and Emily are both very strong, determined characters and I loved that! And their sexual chemistry together was HOT! I can't wait to see where this story is going and what is the big secret Emily is keeping!

Rosa ( iScream Books Blog)

"There isn't a cure for corruption."

Well, I confess that seeings Sons of Anarchy in the blurb got me excited, since that's one of my favorite shows and I'm a lover of MC Romance. But let me answer the question for you, it has nothing to do with bikers. It's more about the internal workings of a legacy and the hidden agendas of the players. There are secrets and surprises, ending in a big cliffy that will have you gasping, but not regretting the journey that brought you there. It was too good to give up, too exciting to miss, and too sexy not to savor. Shane is sex in a suit, he is "Silk and seduction, a magnificent man who no doubt has so many women lining up that I'm a mere flicker on the screen." Emily wasn't the only one drooling and melting into a puddle every time he showed up. I was having a virtual case of lust too! Emily is a mystery. She has a dark past that she keeps hidden throughout the entire book. Leaving little clues, just enough to keep me following the trail of crumbs, hoping for answers. All I know is that's it's something big and if discovered by the wrong people her whole house of cards will fall. But what the hell is it? I want to know NOW! Shane is the youngest of the Brandon sons. He has a very strained relationship with his brother, Derek. While they battle for the control of the Brandon Enterprises empire, Shane finds it hard to let go of his memories of the childhood relationship he had with the brother that he once respected. He's determined to turn things around and make their business something to be proud of rather than ashamed of. But time is running out and trouble has come calling... again. Will he be able to get them out of it this time, or will his house of cards fall too? Get ready for a nail-biting, panty-melting, head-scratching, eyebrow-raising roller coaster ride that will have you anxious for more as soon as it's over. The line forms here...


Secrets, Sizzling Attraction & Intrigue! Fantastic!

Wow! Loved this story! This is a smoldering, passionate, romance story that is filled with intrigue, that captivated me immediately and held me on the edge of my seat till the end. I could not stop reading this. The writing is excellent, as well as the plot with likable characters that are well developed. Lisa Renee Jones does a fantastic job at introducing all the players in this first book of her series. A story about a powerful family that is in turmoil and conflict with their father close to death, and brothers who are fighting for the control of the family's' empire. One is light the other is dark and the secondary characters are not who they seem to be, and can not be trusted. Shane Brandon is a high power attorney who has returned home to try to bring his family's empire back from corruption and illegal dealings. While his father is fragile and struggling to live, his older brother Derek pushes his agenda while aligning himself with a powerful cartel to take over the business, but Shane must come up with a plan to thwart all this, without becoming like his brother who he despises. But when he is not expecting it, a distraction of epic proportion enters his world and he meets a beautiful brunette. Emily Stevens is trying to stay under the radar, hiding from unknown forces and the last thing she needs is to have a gorgeous man making her lose site of those goals. But when they meet they have an immediate sizzling attraction, between them and although she flees, their path crosses again and this time the thought of being alone for another night is to much and she accepts his invitation to dinner and drinks. But as their connection grows they both see that they need the other to help survive in their world. But Emily has many secrets that nobody not even the reader knows and what will these secrets have on their connection? Their chemistry and steamy, sex scenes are intense and and passionate. And Emily is not the only one totally falling for Shane. He will definitely get your heart pounding with this control and passion. There is hunger, lust, demanding, wild, frenzied passion between them that is growing but there is also the control, trust and safety together. But will Emily be able to help keep Shane on the right side of the law with all that needs to be taken care of in his Family's' empire? Or will Shane's actions turn him into the father and brother he despises. You will need to read to find out. A fantastic first book. Loved it! Highly Recommended! Received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Amazing start to a new series

Wow, it took me a few days to recover from this one. The hangover was immense but well worth it. Hard Rules is set in the corporate world and surrounds the Brandon family and their empire. An empire that Shane Brandon is trying to make right. The obstacles he encounters along that path are shocking but not unrealistic. Enter Emily who has secrets of her own and who quickly becomes the one person in Shane's life he feels like he can truly believe...or can he? OMG the ending. First let me say that I am not one of those cliffhanger badgering zealots. I actually like cliffhangers, they create such intrigue and a truly great one will stay on my mind for weeks after reading it and have me tapping my foot away waiting for the story to continue. And I think one of the aspects of a truly great story is to invoke that kind of anticipation in someone. It was amazing, I'll probably read it again before the next book comes out. If you like smoking hot suspense you will love this book.


Sure to please fans of the Inside Out series, this is a great start to a new series that is unconnec

Starting with the short glimpse into a behind closed door dirty deal, one of the two sides of this story coin gives readers a chance to dip a toe into the dangers to come. From there, with no real sense of how much time has elapsed, we are thrust into the world and challenges of Emily and Shane, and the dance between attraction, trust, power and secrets. Shane is the ONLY person in his family with a moral compass, even if he battles with his own memories of the family he wants with the family he has. And OH what a complete spider web mess his family is: a father who is grasping, controlling and not above blackmail to achieve his goals; a mother who will manipulate situations and people around her to gain ‘insight’ and knowledge; a brother who is consumed with power, money and his ‘use one to get more’ attitude. I’m not a huge fan of the family he’s been saddled with, and can empathize with his own struggles with loyalty, trust and wanting their approval and love. Emily arrives as a bit of a question, her own identity is a new one, she has secrets that could destroy her and those around her. I’ve got my suspicions about just ‘who’ she really is: but her ability to empathize with Shane from an “I’ve been there” angle is intriguing. She’s multi-faceted with each facet opening to the light as she and Shane get closer physically. What intrigues me most about these two is their similarities that fuel their connection. And they are electric, with Emily able to provide Shane with something to chase even as he wants to push her off to save her from the ticking bomb that is his family. Told in alternating first person, I wanted a bit more from Emily. While this story carries much of the feel that I had in the Inside Out series, Emily is a different sort of girl altogether. She’s not innocent and untried like Sara, she understands the manipulations and machinations of family and she’s also hiding several secrets, many not as well as she thinks. Shane is so focused on making Brandon Enterprises a name to be reckoned with in all the best ways, something he’s got to rebuild after keeping his father out of jail after a federal investigation. I loved his passion and determination to grow the company and his role, while trying to manage and protect his family members- a full time job plus with that group. Fortunately he’s got dedicated and loyal people on his side – from his assistant Jennifer: who takes zero guff, speaks honestly and openly and always has his back to his own personal security/pi guru in Seth. Overall, there’s a sense of having seen the relationship trajectory between Emily and Shane before, and while that’s not a huge issue, I hoped for a bit more between them. This does end on a cliffhanger that may bring Emily to the forefront of suspicion and revelation in the next book, these characters, the Brandons and their twisted manipulating ways demand you read on. Sure to please fans of the Inside Out series, this is a great start to a new series that is unconnected to that world, and the perfect option for readers who want to try the work of Lisa Renee Jones. I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.


Completele Book Hangover Amazing!

Book hangover alert, trust me. This book will live you with a book hangover, and you'll love every second of it. I can honestly tell you I sat down to read this book and did not get up to eat, drink, or let the dogs out. I didn't want it to end, I was literally like no!! Do not end this book Jones, just keep going. Just keep writing. Emily and Shane, their story is unlike any you've ever read, its riveting. Full of turns and curves, hot s**y times and then your yelling at the story. Im at 90% in and I can already tell this story hasn't had enough time for its ending, and it leaves you totally gutted and praying that Feb comes and it comes super fast! This book took me days to get over, my emotions were all bundled up. I needed more like I needed air to breathe.

~Mindy Lou~

Keeps you guessing!

Emily is on the run and hiding. She bumps into the son of her soon to be boss, unaware that he is the son, and has a one night stand. Both want more but Emily can't risk it. What she wasn't expecting was to get in the middle of a family at war in their company that lead to the Cartel and possibly the FBI. Emily and Shane can't stay away from each other and all she wants now is to help Shane fight against his family to protect the company. She knows Shane is the good guy but staying with him could bring more trouble he doesn't need. Great start to the series! There is so much going on in this story. I love a story that keeps me guessing and Lisa Renee Jones is good at that. I don't think I'm anywhere close to putting the pieces of the puzzle together and I'm dying to know what Emily's secret is. It's going to be killer waiting for the next book. Loved it and highly recommend it! ***ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Jaysen's Mommy

Rule #1, No more lies

It's a cliffhanger and I have to wait patiently for the next book! This is quite the story with many turns that can get you supremely confused if you aren't paying attention. It's superbly written and engaging. Things are so extremely tense you can feel the pressure building like a volcano ready to erupt. Lies, deceit, family, all out war, romance, what could be better? Grab your copy today and meet the dangerously sexy, incredibly smart, highly successful, Shane Brandon along with the super secretive, equally smart knockout, Emily Stevens. He is sure to be your next book boyfriend. He is a straight shooter in a family of underhanded takers. He wants nothing more, except maybe Emily, than to rid the family business of it's corruption. You can help to like Emily. She is quiet, loyal, fierce, and a force to be reckoned with. She comes with a price though. She's super secretive as the secret is the price tag for her life. I'm ready to be able to delve into the next book to find out what's going to happen.

Imagination free

Another hit series!

Lisa has done it again! This has everything a book needs: suspense, intrigue, angst, blossoming love, and hotness. The chemistry between Shane and Emily is wow! The ending was crazy. Can't wait for the next book! I received this ARC for an honest review from the publisher and Netgalley.

Domination series

Sons of Anarchy meets Wall Street.Hard Rules (Dirty Money #1) is a must read.

I received Hard Rules (Dirty Money #1) as an ARC, from the publisher and NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Lisa Renee Jones has done it again. She has written another series full of suspense, mistrust, passion, and family drama. In this Sons of Anarchy (SOA) meets Wall Street novel, Shane Brandon fights for control of his ailing father's company. His competition is his older brother Derek. Emily, who has secrets of her own, takes a job as Shane's father's assistant. There is instant chemistry between Shane and Emily, but whose side is she on? What's her story? While Shane is trying to position himself to be his father's successor, Derek has plotted ways to destroy him. Can Shane trust Emily and those in his inner circle to gain control? Just a warning for those who don't like cliffhangers. This ends with a big one between Shane and Emily. Is his trust and need for her compromised who n he learns she may not be who she says she is?

Ladda Ner Hard Rules By Lisa Renee Jones Pdf Ebook

Genre : Spänning ,Böcker ,Romantik

Wall Street meets the Sons of Anarchy in Hard Rules, the smoldering, scorching first novel in the explosively sexy new Dirty Money series from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones.

How bad do you want it?

The only man within the Brandon empire with a moral compass, Shane Brandon is ready to take his family’s business dealings legitimate. His reckless and ruthless brother, Derek wants to keep Brandon Enterprises cemented in lies, deceit, and corruption. But the harder Shane fights to pull the company back into the light, the darker he has to become. Then he meets Emily Stevens, a woman who not only stirs a voracious sexual need in him, but becomes the only thing anchoring him between good and evil.

Emily is consumed by Shane, pushed sexually in ways she never dreamed of, falling deeper into the all-encompassing passion that is this man. She trusts him. He trusts her, but therein lies the danger. Emily has a secret, the very thing that brought her to him in the first place, and that secret could destroy them both.

This is book ONE of FOUR in Shane and Emily's story.

Excerpt from Hard Rules (Dirty Money book #1)

His hand curls around mine and he drags it to his knee, and the way he’s looking at me, like the rest of the room, no, the rest of the world, doesn’t exist, steals my breath. I haven’t allowed anyone to really look at me in a very long time.
“Emily,” he says, doing whatever he does to turn my name into a sin that seduces rather than destroys me.
“Shane,” I manage, but just barely.
“Did you say yes to dinner because you didn’t want to be alone?”
I am not sure where he is going with this, if it’s about reading me or if he needs validation that I am here for him, so I give him both. “I like being alone,” I say, and on some level, it really is true. “I said yes to dinner because you are the one who asked.” My lips curve. “Actually you barely asked. You mostly ordered.”
“I couldn’t let you say no.”
“I’m actually really glad you didn’t.”
“And yet you say you like being alone?”
“It’s simple and without complication.”
“Spoken like someone who’s lived the opposite side of the coin.”
“Haven’t we all?”
“Who burned you, Emily?”
I blanch but recover with a quick, “Who says anyone burned me?”
“I see it in your eyes.”
“Back to my eyes,” I say.
“Yes. Back to your eyes.”
“Stop looking.”
“I can’t.”
Those two words sizzle, matching the heat in his eyes, and my throat goes dry. “Then stop asking so many questions.”
He reaches up, brushing hair behind my ear, his fingers grazing my cheek, and suddenly he is closer, his breath a tease on my cheek, his fingers settling on my jaw. “What if I want to know more about you?”
“What if I don’t want to talk?”
“Are you suggesting I shut up and kiss you?”
Yes, I think. Please. But instead I say, “I don’t know. I haven’t interviewed you as you have me. I know nothing about you. I want to know if you—”
He leans in, and then his lips are on mine, a caress, a tease, that is there and gone, and yet I am rocked to the core, a wave of warmth sliding down my neck and over my breasts. He lingers, his breath fanning my lips, promising another touch I both need and want, as he asks, “You want to know if I what?”
Everything. “Nothing.”




Not enough book for the money


Shane and Emily promise to be the next great series from Ms Jones!

This novel is fantastic... I can't wait to read the next book in the Dirty Money series. Much like the Careless Whispers series, I was sucked in completely.



Oh. My. Goodness. Hard Rules is such a fabulous book that I am not even sure where to start. Shane Brandon is a sexy, rich, smart man who is fighting to be good when he is surrounded by his corrupt family. Emily has her own demons and secrets to battle and keep hidden from Shane, for his own protection. Shane is sexy, protective, and full of motivation, which makes him even more attractive. Emily is sweet, protective, and has a take-no-BS type attitude that is so similar to my own, I can't help but love her character. Jessica has to be my favorite though. She is strong, independent, protective, and a loyal tell-it-like-it-is type of girl. I am still not sure how Shane grew up to be a good man with parents like his and I have a feeling I will wonder the same about Emily, once we find out more about her past and who she really is. All of you 50 Shades of Grey fans can keep your Christian Grey, I'll gladly take Shane Brandon for myself. The only thing I didn't like about Hard Rules is there won't be more until book 2 is released in Feb. 2017! How will I survive?

Mom's Guilty Pleasure

Hard Rules

I've yet to be disappointed by a book LRJ has written. This book has by far been my favorite and I don't know how I'll wait for the rest of the series to be released. Hard Rules has everything...suspense, betrayal, trust, love, friendship, suspicion.... Shane moves back home to take over the company business that his brother Derek is determined to also take over, but with only dollars in his eyes. Derek will do anything illegal or not to make sure the company is successful. Shane wants the empire to be built up and successful, but he wants the family legacy to be with honor. Their father pits the sons against one another. Their fathers health is failing. Their mother Maggie can't be trusted and will turn a blind eye to everything as long as she continues in the lifestyle she is use to. Emily has secrets and is running from something that keeps her looking over her shoulder. So when she meets Shane she wasn't looking for a connection...yet they are both drawn to one another. They know they are putting each other in danger, but can't seem to stay away from one another. They both demand honesty. Yet, they both start doubting each other's integrity and start to question each other's motives. This book leaves quite a cliff hanger that I can't wait to see where it goes!

Tessa 1927

Hard Rules

Good read looking forward to the next part of this series, as much as enjoyed the relationship between Emily and Shane I can't help but wonder about Derek ....


Book 1

Bravo, Lisa Renee Jones have written a suspense thriller with Secret, family betrayal but Love is stronger.


I need more!!

OMG! What an ending!! Are you kidding me- I have to wait until February to find out what happens?! I can't wait!! It's that good! There's so many lies, deceit & secrets going around mixed in with a bit of Romance & sexiness! Ah, the suspense! This book had me intrigued from the beginning to the end! If you read the teaser, that's enough to give you the basis of the book. I'm not gonna give anything away, you need to check it out for yourself! I don't think you'll be disappointed! Great start to Dirty Money series!! Ready for Part 2 now!! I received a copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Great new series!

This first book in a new series by Lisa Renee Jones is awesome! It is full of intrigue and is hot as can be. Shane and Emily are positively combustible when together. Not only are they good together in that way, they are good together in most all ways. The only problem is Emily's secrets and what she is running from. Shane has a problem trusting anyone remotely connected to his family or the family business. Will Emily's secrets keep them apart? This book does in a cliffie so if you aren't a cliffhanger fan, hang on for more of the series. Otherwise, grab this one as soon as you can. I am now in a major book hangover waiting for the next one!



I absolutely love this book! The characters and story line is amazing and draws you in to where you lose all sense of time and your surroundings. Can not wait for the next installment of this series! Once again Lisa has got me hooked! ❤️


Review: Dirty Money 1: Hard Rules

Hard Rules by Lisa Renee Jones is the first book in her brand new series Dirty Money. In true Lisa Renee Jones fashion, the suspense is high, the steamy factor is scorchingly off the charts, and the story just flows from page to brain to paint the pictures for you as only a great book can do. Emily is hiding all her darkest secrets and when she meets Shane, by chance, she feels a strange connection to him. When she has vowed to keep everyone out, she wants nothing more than to let him in. Shane is doing everything within his power to take his family's business and legitimize it. His dying father and warped and sinister brother are doing all they can to prevent him. So when he encounters Emily in his building she immediately enthralls him, being a bright spot in an otherwise terrible day. Ending on a cliffhanger, as only LRJ can manage I am chomping at the bit for the next book in this series, Damage Control expected February 2017.


Great new series!

Shane is battling his father and brother for control over the family empire. He's determined to clean house and run Branden Enterprises as a completely legitimate enterprise. He's smart, sexy, in control, and doesn't trust easily. He's at war with his own family and has few people he can trust. Emily is newer to Denver and desperate to find a job. She's smart, determined, private, and clearly hiding out from something or someone. Both need an escape from the stresses and demands of keeping one step ahead and they find that in each other. They have great chemistry from their first meeting. Neither want anything complicated, but they are drawn together and find someone who seemingly has the ability to see right through them. With everything at stake, Emily could easily become the one weakness that Shane can't afford to have. Hard Rules is thrilling, suspenseful, and deliciously sexy. Lisa Renee Jones draws you into this world where everyone seems to have an agenda and there are plenty of unexpected developments along the way. Hard Rules is a great start to the beginning of a new series. *Advanced copy provided by NetGalley.


Best book of the summer.

Lisa Renee Jones does it again. Best book I have read since the Inside Out Series. Lisa has a way of writing that draws you in. I love her books!!

tsmb02(Sue G.)

OMG! I am in love with Shane Brandon!

OMG! I am in love with Shane Brandon! This hero is so yummy and perfect you can't help but root for him. Shane was a big shot lawyer working in New York City, and far away from the shady family business and he gets called back home to Denver to help his father and brother, Derek, out of sticky mess. Shane makes the decision to stay in Denver and fight for control of the family business, Brandon Enterprises, along with removing all of the illegal activities that his family has gotten involved in. Shane's dad may be slowly dying from cancer but he is still an S.O.B. Dear old dad is pitting son vs. son to see who will win in taking over the family business. The entire Brandon family is really messed up! While in a little coffee shop across the street from BE, Shane has an unique encounter with a mysterious woman named Emily. Shane cannot seem to get Emily off of his mind and he unexpectedly runs into her again and this begins the dance! I loved the way these two lives were suddenly weaved together. They both are good at keeping secrets from each but at the same time they are slowly starting to trust each other and those secrets are starting to become known. Shane and Emily are both very strong, determined characters and I loved that! And their sexual chemistry together was HOT! I can't wait to see where this story is going and what is the big secret Emily is keeping!

Rosa ( iScream Books Blog)

"There isn't a cure for corruption."

Well, I confess that seeings Sons of Anarchy in the blurb got me excited, since that's one of my favorite shows and I'm a lover of MC Romance. But let me answer the question for you, it has nothing to do with bikers. It's more about the internal workings of a legacy and the hidden agendas of the players. There are secrets and surprises, ending in a big cliffy that will have you gasping, but not regretting the journey that brought you there. It was too good to give up, too exciting to miss, and too sexy not to savor. Shane is sex in a suit, he is "Silk and seduction, a magnificent man who no doubt has so many women lining up that I'm a mere flicker on the screen." Emily wasn't the only one drooling and melting into a puddle every time he showed up. I was having a virtual case of lust too! Emily is a mystery. She has a dark past that she keeps hidden throughout the entire book. Leaving little clues, just enough to keep me following the trail of crumbs, hoping for answers. All I know is that's it's something big and if discovered by the wrong people her whole house of cards will fall. But what the hell is it? I want to know NOW! Shane is the youngest of the Brandon sons. He has a very strained relationship with his brother, Derek. While they battle for the control of the Brandon Enterprises empire, Shane finds it hard to let go of his memories of the childhood relationship he had with the brother that he once respected. He's determined to turn things around and make their business something to be proud of rather than ashamed of. But time is running out and trouble has come calling... again. Will he be able to get them out of it this time, or will his house of cards fall too? Get ready for a nail-biting, panty-melting, head-scratching, eyebrow-raising roller coaster ride that will have you anxious for more as soon as it's over. The line forms here...


Secrets, Sizzling Attraction & Intrigue! Fantastic!

Wow! Loved this story! This is a smoldering, passionate, romance story that is filled with intrigue, that captivated me immediately and held me on the edge of my seat till the end. I could not stop reading this. The writing is excellent, as well as the plot with likable characters that are well developed. Lisa Renee Jones does a fantastic job at introducing all the players in this first book of her series. A story about a powerful family that is in turmoil and conflict with their father close to death, and brothers who are fighting for the control of the family's' empire. One is light the other is dark and the secondary characters are not who they seem to be, and can not be trusted. Shane Brandon is a high power attorney who has returned home to try to bring his family's empire back from corruption and illegal dealings. While his father is fragile and struggling to live, his older brother Derek pushes his agenda while aligning himself with a powerful cartel to take over the business, but Shane must come up with a plan to thwart all this, without becoming like his brother who he despises. But when he is not expecting it, a distraction of epic proportion enters his world and he meets a beautiful brunette. Emily Stevens is trying to stay under the radar, hiding from unknown forces and the last thing she needs is to have a gorgeous man making her lose site of those goals. But when they meet they have an immediate sizzling attraction, between them and although she flees, their path crosses again and this time the thought of being alone for another night is to much and she accepts his invitation to dinner and drinks. But as their connection grows they both see that they need the other to help survive in their world. But Emily has many secrets that nobody not even the reader knows and what will these secrets have on their connection? Their chemistry and steamy, sex scenes are intense and and passionate. And Emily is not the only one totally falling for Shane. He will definitely get your heart pounding with this control and passion. There is hunger, lust, demanding, wild, frenzied passion between them that is growing but there is also the control, trust and safety together. But will Emily be able to help keep Shane on the right side of the law with all that needs to be taken care of in his Family's' empire? Or will Shane's actions turn him into the father and brother he despises. You will need to read to find out. A fantastic first book. Loved it! Highly Recommended! Received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Amazing start to a new series

Wow, it took me a few days to recover from this one. The hangover was immense but well worth it. Hard Rules is set in the corporate world and surrounds the Brandon family and their empire. An empire that Shane Brandon is trying to make right. The obstacles he encounters along that path are shocking but not unrealistic. Enter Emily who has secrets of her own and who quickly becomes the one person in Shane's life he feels like he can truly believe...or can he? OMG the ending. First let me say that I am not one of those cliffhanger badgering zealots. I actually like cliffhangers, they create such intrigue and a truly great one will stay on my mind for weeks after reading it and have me tapping my foot away waiting for the story to continue. And I think one of the aspects of a truly great story is to invoke that kind of anticipation in someone. It was amazing, I'll probably read it again before the next book comes out. If you like smoking hot suspense you will love this book.


Sure to please fans of the Inside Out series, this is a great start to a new series that is unconnec

Starting with the short glimpse into a behind closed door dirty deal, one of the two sides of this story coin gives readers a chance to dip a toe into the dangers to come. From there, with no real sense of how much time has elapsed, we are thrust into the world and challenges of Emily and Shane, and the dance between attraction, trust, power and secrets. Shane is the ONLY person in his family with a moral compass, even if he battles with his own memories of the family he wants with the family he has. And OH what a complete spider web mess his family is: a father who is grasping, controlling and not above blackmail to achieve his goals; a mother who will manipulate situations and people around her to gain ‘insight’ and knowledge; a brother who is consumed with power, money and his ‘use one to get more’ attitude. I’m not a huge fan of the family he’s been saddled with, and can empathize with his own struggles with loyalty, trust and wanting their approval and love. Emily arrives as a bit of a question, her own identity is a new one, she has secrets that could destroy her and those around her. I’ve got my suspicions about just ‘who’ she really is: but her ability to empathize with Shane from an “I’ve been there” angle is intriguing. She’s multi-faceted with each facet opening to the light as she and Shane get closer physically. What intrigues me most about these two is their similarities that fuel their connection. And they are electric, with Emily able to provide Shane with something to chase even as he wants to push her off to save her from the ticking bomb that is his family. Told in alternating first person, I wanted a bit more from Emily. While this story carries much of the feel that I had in the Inside Out series, Emily is a different sort of girl altogether. She’s not innocent and untried like Sara, she understands the manipulations and machinations of family and she’s also hiding several secrets, many not as well as she thinks. Shane is so focused on making Brandon Enterprises a name to be reckoned with in all the best ways, something he’s got to rebuild after keeping his father out of jail after a federal investigation. I loved his passion and determination to grow the company and his role, while trying to manage and protect his family members- a full time job plus with that group. Fortunately he’s got dedicated and loyal people on his side – from his assistant Jennifer: who takes zero guff, speaks honestly and openly and always has his back to his own personal security/pi guru in Seth. Overall, there’s a sense of having seen the relationship trajectory between Emily and Shane before, and while that’s not a huge issue, I hoped for a bit more between them. This does end on a cliffhanger that may bring Emily to the forefront of suspicion and revelation in the next book, these characters, the Brandons and their twisted manipulating ways demand you read on. Sure to please fans of the Inside Out series, this is a great start to a new series that is unconnected to that world, and the perfect option for readers who want to try the work of Lisa Renee Jones. I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.


Completele Book Hangover Amazing!

Book hangover alert, trust me. This book will live you with a book hangover, and you'll love every second of it. I can honestly tell you I sat down to read this book and did not get up to eat, drink, or let the dogs out. I didn't want it to end, I was literally like no!! Do not end this book Jones, just keep going. Just keep writing. Emily and Shane, their story is unlike any you've ever read, its riveting. Full of turns and curves, hot s**y times and then your yelling at the story. Im at 90% in and I can already tell this story hasn't had enough time for its ending, and it leaves you totally gutted and praying that Feb comes and it comes super fast! This book took me days to get over, my emotions were all bundled up. I needed more like I needed air to breathe.

~Mindy Lou~

Keeps you guessing!

Emily is on the run and hiding. She bumps into the son of her soon to be boss, unaware that he is the son, and has a one night stand. Both want more but Emily can't risk it. What she wasn't expecting was to get in the middle of a family at war in their company that lead to the Cartel and possibly the FBI. Emily and Shane can't stay away from each other and all she wants now is to help Shane fight against his family to protect the company. She knows Shane is the good guy but staying with him could bring more trouble he doesn't need. Great start to the series! There is so much going on in this story. I love a story that keeps me guessing and Lisa Renee Jones is good at that. I don't think I'm anywhere close to putting the pieces of the puzzle together and I'm dying to know what Emily's secret is. It's going to be killer waiting for the next book. Loved it and highly recommend it! ***ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Jaysen's Mommy

Rule #1, No more lies

It's a cliffhanger and I have to wait patiently for the next book! This is quite the story with many turns that can get you supremely confused if you aren't paying attention. It's superbly written and engaging. Things are so extremely tense you can feel the pressure building like a volcano ready to erupt. Lies, deceit, family, all out war, romance, what could be better? Grab your copy today and meet the dangerously sexy, incredibly smart, highly successful, Shane Brandon along with the super secretive, equally smart knockout, Emily Stevens. He is sure to be your next book boyfriend. He is a straight shooter in a family of underhanded takers. He wants nothing more, except maybe Emily, than to rid the family business of it's corruption. You can help to like Emily. She is quiet, loyal, fierce, and a force to be reckoned with. She comes with a price though. She's super secretive as the secret is the price tag for her life. I'm ready to be able to delve into the next book to find out what's going to happen.

Imagination free

Another hit series!

Lisa has done it again! This has everything a book needs: suspense, intrigue, angst, blossoming love, and hotness. The chemistry between Shane and Emily is wow! The ending was crazy. Can't wait for the next book! I received this ARC for an honest review from the publisher and Netgalley.

Domination series

Sons of Anarchy meets Wall Street.Hard Rules (Dirty Money #1) is a must read.

I received Hard Rules (Dirty Money #1) as an ARC, from the publisher and NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Lisa Renee Jones has done it again. She has written another series full of suspense, mistrust, passion, and family drama. In this Sons of Anarchy (SOA) meets Wall Street novel, Shane Brandon fights for control of his ailing father's company. His competition is his older brother Derek. Emily, who has secrets of her own, takes a job as Shane's father's assistant. There is instant chemistry between Shane and Emily, but whose side is she on? What's her story? While Shane is trying to position himself to be his father's successor, Derek has plotted ways to destroy him. Can Shane trust Emily and those in his inner circle to gain control? Just a warning for those who don't like cliffhangers. This ends with a big one between Shane and Emily. Is his trust and need for her compromised who n he learns she may not be who she says she is?

Ladda Ner Hard Rules By Lisa Renee Jones Pdf Ebook

Genre : Spänning ,Böcker ,Romantik

Wall Street meets the Sons of Anarchy in Hard Rules, the smoldering, scorching first novel in the explosively sexy new Dirty Money series from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones.

How bad do you want it?

The only man within the Brandon empire with a moral compass, Shane Brandon is ready to take his family’s business dealings legitimate. His reckless and ruthless brother, Derek wants to keep Brandon Enterprises cemented in lies, deceit, and corruption. But the harder Shane fights to pull the company back into the light, the darker he has to become. Then he meets Emily Stevens, a woman who not only stirs a voracious sexual need in him, but becomes the only thing anchoring him between good and evil.

Emily is consumed by Shane, pushed sexually in ways she never dreamed of, falling deeper into the all-encompassing passion that is this man. She trusts him. He trusts her, but therein lies the danger. Emily has a secret, the very thing that brought her to him in the first place, and that secret could destroy them both.

This is book ONE of FOUR in Shane and Emily's story.

Excerpt from Hard Rules (Dirty Money book #1)

His hand curls around mine and he drags it to his knee, and the way he’s looking at me, like the rest of the room, no, the rest of the world, doesn’t exist, steals my breath. I haven’t allowed anyone to really look at me in a very long time.
“Emily,” he says, doing whatever he does to turn my name into a sin that seduces rather than destroys me.
“Shane,” I manage, but just barely.
“Did you say yes to dinner because you didn’t want to be alone?”
I am not sure where he is going with this, if it’s about reading me or if he needs validation that I am here for him, so I give him both. “I like being alone,” I say, and on some level, it really is true. “I said yes to dinner because you are the one who asked.” My lips curve. “Actually you barely asked. You mostly ordered.”
“I couldn’t let you say no.”
“I’m actually really glad you didn’t.”
“And yet you say you like being alone?”
“It’s simple and without complication.”
“Spoken like someone who’s lived the opposite side of the coin.”
“Haven’t we all?”
“Who burned you, Emily?”
I blanch but recover with a quick, “Who says anyone burned me?”
“I see it in your eyes.”
“Back to my eyes,” I say.
“Yes. Back to your eyes.”
“Stop looking.”
“I can’t.”
Those two words sizzle, matching the heat in his eyes, and my throat goes dry. “Then stop asking so many questions.”
He reaches up, brushing hair behind my ear, his fingers grazing my cheek, and suddenly he is closer, his breath a tease on my cheek, his fingers settling on my jaw. “What if I want to know more about you?”
“What if I don’t want to talk?”
“Are you suggesting I shut up and kiss you?”
Yes, I think. Please. But instead I say, “I don’t know. I haven’t interviewed you as you have me. I know nothing about you. I want to know if you—”
He leans in, and then his lips are on mine, a caress, a tease, that is there and gone, and yet I am rocked to the core, a wave of warmth sliding down my neck and over my breasts. He lingers, his breath fanning my lips, promising another touch I both need and want, as he asks, “You want to know if I what?”
Everything. “Nothing.”




Not enough book for the money


Shane and Emily promise to be the next great series from Ms Jones!

This novel is fantastic... I can't wait to read the next book in the Dirty Money series. Much like the Careless Whispers series, I was sucked in completely.



Oh. My. Goodness. Hard Rules is such a fabulous book that I am not even sure where to start. Shane Brandon is a sexy, rich, smart man who is fighting to be good when he is surrounded by his corrupt family. Emily has her own demons and secrets to battle and keep hidden from Shane, for his own protection. Shane is sexy, protective, and full of motivation, which makes him even more attractive. Emily is sweet, protective, and has a take-no-BS type attitude that is so similar to my own, I can't help but love her character. Jessica has to be my favorite though. She is strong, independent, protective, and a loyal tell-it-like-it-is type of girl. I am still not sure how Shane grew up to be a good man with parents like his and I have a feeling I will wonder the same about Emily, once we find out more about her past and who she really is. All of you 50 Shades of Grey fans can keep your Christian Grey, I'll gladly take Shane Brandon for myself. The only thing I didn't like about Hard Rules is there won't be more until book 2 is released in Feb. 2017! How will I survive?

Mom's Guilty Pleasure

Hard Rules

I've yet to be disappointed by a book LRJ has written. This book has by far been my favorite and I don't know how I'll wait for the rest of the series to be released. Hard Rules has everything...suspense, betrayal, trust, love, friendship, suspicion.... Shane moves back home to take over the company business that his brother Derek is determined to also take over, but with only dollars in his eyes. Derek will do anything illegal or not to make sure the company is successful. Shane wants the empire to be built up and successful, but he wants the family legacy to be with honor. Their father pits the sons against one another. Their fathers health is failing. Their mother Maggie can't be trusted and will turn a blind eye to everything as long as she continues in the lifestyle she is use to. Emily has secrets and is running from something that keeps her looking over her shoulder. So when she meets Shane she wasn't looking for a connection...yet they are both drawn to one another. They know they are putting each other in danger, but can't seem to stay away from one another. They both demand honesty. Yet, they both start doubting each other's integrity and start to question each other's motives. This book leaves quite a cliff hanger that I can't wait to see where it goes!

Tessa 1927

Hard Rules

Good read looking forward to the next part of this series, as much as enjoyed the relationship between Emily and Shane I can't help but wonder about Derek ....


Book 1

Bravo, Lisa Renee Jones have written a suspense thriller with Secret, family betrayal but Love is stronger.


I need more!!

OMG! What an ending!! Are you kidding me- I have to wait until February to find out what happens?! I can't wait!! It's that good! There's so many lies, deceit & secrets going around mixed in with a bit of Romance & sexiness! Ah, the suspense! This book had me intrigued from the beginning to the end! If you read the teaser, that's enough to give you the basis of the book. I'm not gonna give anything away, you need to check it out for yourself! I don't think you'll be disappointed! Great start to Dirty Money series!! Ready for Part 2 now!! I received a copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Great new series!

This first book in a new series by Lisa Renee Jones is awesome! It is full of intrigue and is hot as can be. Shane and Emily are positively combustible when together. Not only are they good together in that way, they are good together in most all ways. The only problem is Emily's secrets and what she is running from. Shane has a problem trusting anyone remotely connected to his family or the family business. Will Emily's secrets keep them apart? This book does in a cliffie so if you aren't a cliffhanger fan, hang on for more of the series. Otherwise, grab this one as soon as you can. I am now in a major book hangover waiting for the next one!



I absolutely love this book! The characters and story line is amazing and draws you in to where you lose all sense of time and your surroundings. Can not wait for the next installment of this series! Once again Lisa has got me hooked! ❤️


Review: Dirty Money 1: Hard Rules

Hard Rules by Lisa Renee Jones is the first book in her brand new series Dirty Money. In true Lisa Renee Jones fashion, the suspense is high, the steamy factor is scorchingly off the charts, and the story just flows from page to brain to paint the pictures for you as only a great book can do. Emily is hiding all her darkest secrets and when she meets Shane, by chance, she feels a strange connection to him. When she has vowed to keep everyone out, she wants nothing more than to let him in. Shane is doing everything within his power to take his family's business and legitimize it. His dying father and warped and sinister brother are doing all they can to prevent him. So when he encounters Emily in his building she immediately enthralls him, being a bright spot in an otherwise terrible day. Ending on a cliffhanger, as only LRJ can manage I am chomping at the bit for the next book in this series, Damage Control expected February 2017.


Great new series!

Shane is battling his father and brother for control over the family empire. He's determined to clean house and run Branden Enterprises as a completely legitimate enterprise. He's smart, sexy, in control, and doesn't trust easily. He's at war with his own family and has few people he can trust. Emily is newer to Denver and desperate to find a job. She's smart, determined, private, and clearly hiding out from something or someone. Both need an escape from the stresses and demands of keeping one step ahead and they find that in each other. They have great chemistry from their first meeting. Neither want anything complicated, but they are drawn together and find someone who seemingly has the ability to see right through them. With everything at stake, Emily could easily become the one weakness that Shane can't afford to have. Hard Rules is thrilling, suspenseful, and deliciously sexy. Lisa Renee Jones draws you into this world where everyone seems to have an agenda and there are plenty of unexpected developments along the way. Hard Rules is a great start to the beginning of a new series. *Advanced copy provided by NetGalley.


Best book of the summer.

Lisa Renee Jones does it again. Best book I have read since the Inside Out Series. Lisa has a way of writing that draws you in. I love her books!!

tsmb02(Sue G.)

OMG! I am in love with Shane Brandon!

OMG! I am in love with Shane Brandon! This hero is so yummy and perfect you can't help but root for him. Shane was a big shot lawyer working in New York City, and far away from the shady family business and he gets called back home to Denver to help his father and brother, Derek, out of sticky mess. Shane makes the decision to stay in Denver and fight for control of the family business, Brandon Enterprises, along with removing all of the illegal activities that his family has gotten involved in. Shane's dad may be slowly dying from cancer but he is still an S.O.B. Dear old dad is pitting son vs. son to see who will win in taking over the family business. The entire Brandon family is really messed up! While in a little coffee shop across the street from BE, Shane has an unique encounter with a mysterious woman named Emily. Shane cannot seem to get Emily off of his mind and he unexpectedly runs into her again and this begins the dance! I loved the way these two lives were suddenly weaved together. They both are good at keeping secrets from each but at the same time they are slowly starting to trust each other and those secrets are starting to become known. Shane and Emily are both very strong, determined characters and I loved that! And their sexual chemistry together was HOT! I can't wait to see where this story is going and what is the big secret Emily is keeping!

Rosa ( iScream Books Blog)

"There isn't a cure for corruption."

Well, I confess that seeings Sons of Anarchy in the blurb got me excited, since that's one of my favorite shows and I'm a lover of MC Romance. But let me answer the question for you, it has nothing to do with bikers. It's more about the internal workings of a legacy and the hidden agendas of the players. There are secrets and surprises, ending in a big cliffy that will have you gasping, but not regretting the journey that brought you there. It was too good to give up, too exciting to miss, and too sexy not to savor. Shane is sex in a suit, he is "Silk and seduction, a magnificent man who no doubt has so many women lining up that I'm a mere flicker on the screen." Emily wasn't the only one drooling and melting into a puddle every time he showed up. I was having a virtual case of lust too! Emily is a mystery. She has a dark past that she keeps hidden throughout the entire book. Leaving little clues, just enough to keep me following the trail of crumbs, hoping for answers. All I know is that's it's something big and if discovered by the wrong people her whole house of cards will fall. But what the hell is it? I want to know NOW! Shane is the youngest of the Brandon sons. He has a very strained relationship with his brother, Derek. While they battle for the control of the Brandon Enterprises empire, Shane finds it hard to let go of his memories of the childhood relationship he had with the brother that he once respected. He's determined to turn things around and make their business something to be proud of rather than ashamed of. But time is running out and trouble has come calling... again. Will he be able to get them out of it this time, or will his house of cards fall too? Get ready for a nail-biting, panty-melting, head-scratching, eyebrow-raising roller coaster ride that will have you anxious for more as soon as it's over. The line forms here...


Secrets, Sizzling Attraction & Intrigue! Fantastic!

Wow! Loved this story! This is a smoldering, passionate, romance story that is filled with intrigue, that captivated me immediately and held me on the edge of my seat till the end. I could not stop reading this. The writing is excellent, as well as the plot with likable characters that are well developed. Lisa Renee Jones does a fantastic job at introducing all the players in this first book of her series. A story about a powerful family that is in turmoil and conflict with their father close to death, and brothers who are fighting for the control of the family's' empire. One is light the other is dark and the secondary characters are not who they seem to be, and can not be trusted. Shane Brandon is a high power attorney who has returned home to try to bring his family's empire back from corruption and illegal dealings. While his father is fragile and struggling to live, his older brother Derek pushes his agenda while aligning himself with a powerful cartel to take over the business, but Shane must come up with a plan to thwart all this, without becoming like his brother who he despises. But when he is not expecting it, a distraction of epic proportion enters his world and he meets a beautiful brunette. Emily Stevens is trying to stay under the radar, hiding from unknown forces and the last thing she needs is to have a gorgeous man making her lose site of those goals. But when they meet they have an immediate sizzling attraction, between them and although she flees, their path crosses again and this time the thought of being alone for another night is to much and she accepts his invitation to dinner and drinks. But as their connection grows they both see that they need the other to help survive in their world. But Emily has many secrets that nobody not even the reader knows and what will these secrets have on their connection? Their chemistry and steamy, sex scenes are intense and and passionate. And Emily is not the only one totally falling for Shane. He will definitely get your heart pounding with this control and passion. There is hunger, lust, demanding, wild, frenzied passion between them that is growing but there is also the control, trust and safety together. But will Emily be able to help keep Shane on the right side of the law with all that needs to be taken care of in his Family's' empire? Or will Shane's actions turn him into the father and brother he despises. You will need to read to find out. A fantastic first book. Loved it! Highly Recommended! Received a copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


Amazing start to a new series

Wow, it took me a few days to recover from this one. The hangover was immense but well worth it. Hard Rules is set in the corporate world and surrounds the Brandon family and their empire. An empire that Shane Brandon is trying to make right. The obstacles he encounters along that path are shocking but not unrealistic. Enter Emily who has secrets of her own and who quickly becomes the one person in Shane's life he feels like he can truly believe...or can he? OMG the ending. First let me say that I am not one of those cliffhanger badgering zealots. I actually like cliffhangers, they create such intrigue and a truly great one will stay on my mind for weeks after reading it and have me tapping my foot away waiting for the story to continue. And I think one of the aspects of a truly great story is to invoke that kind of anticipation in someone. It was amazing, I'll probably read it again before the next book comes out. If you like smoking hot suspense you will love this book.


Sure to please fans of the Inside Out series, this is a great start to a new series that is unconnec

Starting with the short glimpse into a behind closed door dirty deal, one of the two sides of this story coin gives readers a chance to dip a toe into the dangers to come. From there, with no real sense of how much time has elapsed, we are thrust into the world and challenges of Emily and Shane, and the dance between attraction, trust, power and secrets. Shane is the ONLY person in his family with a moral compass, even if he battles with his own memories of the family he wants with the family he has. And OH what a complete spider web mess his family is: a father who is grasping, controlling and not above blackmail to achieve his goals; a mother who will manipulate situations and people around her to gain ‘insight’ and knowledge; a brother who is consumed with power, money and his ‘use one to get more’ attitude. I’m not a huge fan of the family he’s been saddled with, and can empathize with his own struggles with loyalty, trust and wanting their approval and love. Emily arrives as a bit of a question, her own identity is a new one, she has secrets that could destroy her and those around her. I’ve got my suspicions about just ‘who’ she really is: but her ability to empathize with Shane from an “I’ve been there” angle is intriguing. She’s multi-faceted with each facet opening to the light as she and Shane get closer physically. What intrigues me most about these two is their similarities that fuel their connection. And they are electric, with Emily able to provide Shane with something to chase even as he wants to push her off to save her from the ticking bomb that is his family. Told in alternating first person, I wanted a bit more from Emily. While this story carries much of the feel that I had in the Inside Out series, Emily is a different sort of girl altogether. She’s not innocent and untried like Sara, she understands the manipulations and machinations of family and she’s also hiding several secrets, many not as well as she thinks. Shane is so focused on making Brandon Enterprises a name to be reckoned with in all the best ways, something he’s got to rebuild after keeping his father out of jail after a federal investigation. I loved his passion and determination to grow the company and his role, while trying to manage and protect his family members- a full time job plus with that group. Fortunately he’s got dedicated and loyal people on his side – from his assistant Jennifer: who takes zero guff, speaks honestly and openly and always has his back to his own personal security/pi guru in Seth. Overall, there’s a sense of having seen the relationship trajectory between Emily and Shane before, and while that’s not a huge issue, I hoped for a bit more between them. This does end on a cliffhanger that may bring Emily to the forefront of suspicion and revelation in the next book, these characters, the Brandons and their twisted manipulating ways demand you read on. Sure to please fans of the Inside Out series, this is a great start to a new series that is unconnected to that world, and the perfect option for readers who want to try the work of Lisa Renee Jones. I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via NetGalley for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.


Completele Book Hangover Amazing!

Book hangover alert, trust me. This book will live you with a book hangover, and you'll love every second of it. I can honestly tell you I sat down to read this book and did not get up to eat, drink, or let the dogs out. I didn't want it to end, I was literally like no!! Do not end this book Jones, just keep going. Just keep writing. Emily and Shane, their story is unlike any you've ever read, its riveting. Full of turns and curves, hot s**y times and then your yelling at the story. Im at 90% in and I can already tell this story hasn't had enough time for its ending, and it leaves you totally gutted and praying that Feb comes and it comes super fast! This book took me days to get over, my emotions were all bundled up. I needed more like I needed air to breathe.

~Mindy Lou~

Keeps you guessing!

Emily is on the run and hiding. She bumps into the son of her soon to be boss, unaware that he is the son, and has a one night stand. Both want more but Emily can't risk it. What she wasn't expecting was to get in the middle of a family at war in their company that lead to the Cartel and possibly the FBI. Emily and Shane can't stay away from each other and all she wants now is to help Shane fight against his family to protect the company. She knows Shane is the good guy but staying with him could bring more trouble he doesn't need. Great start to the series! There is so much going on in this story. I love a story that keeps me guessing and Lisa Renee Jones is good at that. I don't think I'm anywhere close to putting the pieces of the puzzle together and I'm dying to know what Emily's secret is. It's going to be killer waiting for the next book. Loved it and highly recommend it! ***ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Jaysen's Mommy

Rule #1, No more lies

It's a cliffhanger and I have to wait patiently for the next book! This is quite the story with many turns that can get you supremely confused if you aren't paying attention. It's superbly written and engaging. Things are so extremely tense you can feel the pressure building like a volcano ready to erupt. Lies, deceit, family, all out war, romance, what could be better? Grab your copy today and meet the dangerously sexy, incredibly smart, highly successful, Shane Brandon along with the super secretive, equally smart knockout, Emily Stevens. He is sure to be your next book boyfriend. He is a straight shooter in a family of underhanded takers. He wants nothing more, except maybe Emily, than to rid the family business of it's corruption. You can help to like Emily. She is quiet, loyal, fierce, and a force to be reckoned with. She comes with a price though. She's super secretive as the secret is the price tag for her life. I'm ready to be able to delve into the next book to find out what's going to happen.

Imagination free

Another hit series!

Lisa has done it again! This has everything a book needs: suspense, intrigue, angst, blossoming love, and hotness. The chemistry between Shane and Emily is wow! The ending was crazy. Can't wait for the next book! I received this ARC for an honest review from the publisher and Netgalley.

Domination series

Sons of Anarchy meets Wall Street.Hard Rules (Dirty Money #1) is a must read.

I received Hard Rules (Dirty Money #1) as an ARC, from the publisher and NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Lisa Renee Jones has done it again. She has written another series full of suspense, mistrust, passion, and family drama. In this Sons of Anarchy (SOA) meets Wall Street novel, Shane Brandon fights for control of his ailing father's company. His competition is his older brother Derek. Emily, who has secrets of her own, takes a job as Shane's father's assistant. There is instant chemistry between Shane and Emily, but whose side is she on? What's her story? While Shane is trying to position himself to be his father's successor, Derek has plotted ways to destroy him. Can Shane trust Emily and those in his inner circle to gain control? Just a warning for those who don't like cliffhangers. This ends with a big one between Shane and Emily. Is his trust and need for her compromised who n he learns she may not be who she says she is?
